Moving Forward in 2024
I am humbled and thankful to the AHEPA delegates of Delta District #16 for affording me this wonderful opportunity to work for our AHEPA family as the newly elected AHEPA District Governor for our District.
With the AHEPA District Lodge working together, it is hoped we will increase communications with all chapters of the District, develop increased transparency in all of our plans and activities and visit with as many chapters and members as possible.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any comments, questions or concerns about our District.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Lance Wm von Uhde III
AHEPA District Governor
Delta District #16
(504) 621-6692
Welcome to 2024!
It is an honor to be elected as your District Governor for a second term. Thanks to you, WE have made our presence known throughout the Daughters of Penelope that WE are alive and well in District #16. I was blessed to have a wonderful group of women serving on the District Lodge – Lt. Governor Dori Smallwood, Treasurer Cathy Paraschos, and Advisor Elizabeth Horiates. I expect this year to be even better with the addition of Jeannette Papadopoulos as District Secretary.
The Daughters of Penelope Delta District #16 Lodge had a busy year as we were asked by the Grand Lodge to host the Western Conference. As things turned out, Delta District #16 would be the site for sisters from Districts 17, 20, 21, and 22 to join us for a day of sisterhood. What an honor and yet what a task to take on. The Sisters of Delta District #16 enthusiastically responded to my call for help. We came together and poured out our Texas Hospitality. It was a memorable event with those coming from out of state leaving with a bit of Texas in their hearts.
Three months later, the AHEPA and Daughters District Lodges hosted the District Convention held in The Woodlands, Texas. I am pleased to say that the Daughters District Lodge played an integral part in the decision-making for this event. Thanks to this collaboration, the result was an impressive event as recounted by all those that attended. I hope this relationship continues this year as new opportunities arise for us to work together for the betterment of our respective organizations.
In theta pi.
Paulette Pastor
District Governor
Delta District #16
AHEPA Delta District 16 Scholarships
The District 16 AHEPA Family is proud to award scholarships to young Greek American students every year! It is an honor to be able to support the future of Greece and the Greek Diaspora.
AHEPA is an Organization That is Open to All People
The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is a Greek-American organization that has been in existence since 1922
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